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Welcome to preparation for the Consecration to Jesus through Mary. We hope this journey will help you grow in your relationship with the Trinity and provide you with the peace only Jesus can give. Our Lady of Fatima's urgent request was that we turn our hearts to God, stop offending Him, and live each day in unity with his Son, Jesus.

Mary teaches us the way to His Sacred Heart. 

Fatima Consecration | To Jesus Through Mary

Fatima Consecration | To Jesus Through Mary

Fatima Consecration is a 33 day preparation of Consecration to Jesus through Mary. This Marian entrustment is based upon the writings of Sr Lucia one of the visionaries of Fatima. We begin our journey Sept 4th so that our consecration day ends on the feast of the Holy Rosary, also known as Our Lady of Victory. What does this 33 day preparation for consecration through Mary involve? 1. Short daily videos, 6 to 9 minutes long by Ken and Janelle reflecting upon the Sr Lucia writings 2. A daily Rosary Join be email: Receive all Marian Consecration videos at link below. Facebook Group - connect with others taking the 33 day journey to Jesus through Mary The Fatima apparitions are the most widely know of the Marian apparition in this history of the Catholic Church. Much has been written about them. Who better to interpret their meaning than someone who was there. This is the beauty of this Marian Consecration Series! Each episode is based upon one chapter from Sr Lucia’s book titled, “Calls, Messages from Fatima.” Secondly, there are many beautiful Marian Consecration within the tradition of the Catholic Church. We have St Louis de Montfort True Devotion to Mary, and more recently Father Michael Gaitley 33 days to Morning Glory. But there is no Marian Consecration video series available for free. We hope Fatima Consecration, a preparation for Marian Consecration will be a blessing to you!
Fatima Consecration (Day 1):  Keeping God’s Divine Law

Fatima Consecration (Day 1): Keeping God’s Divine Law

In day 1 of Fatima Consecration, a 33 day preparation for Marian Consecration we examine the village life of Fatima. Mother Mary chose this little village for a reason. Why? What was it about their way of life that attracted the Mother of God? And what can we learn from their way of life, in preparation for our consecration to Jesus through Mary. Sr Lucia, one of the visions of the Fatima Apparitions describes in detail what life was like at that time. It would be summarized simply: the whole village lived Catholic life. Devotional to Our Blessed Mother was critical. The Sacramental life of the Church was essential. Virtues living was on public display. All families where blessed with the graces of Matrimony. The village of Fatima lived the Catholic life to it’s fullness. Could this be what attracted Mother Mary to appear? Could it be that living the Catholic life, was the preparation for the apparitions? The main lesson for us today in day 2 of our consecration retreat to to be aware that living the Catholic life is the best preparation for consecration to Mary. Sr Lucia writes, “But the whole village was so united that it appeared to be one single family!” There was a beautiful unity among the family.” Our blessed mother is attracted. “Their homes had been blessed by the Sacrament of Matrimony; and their conjugal fidelity was absolute. They welcomed all the children that God chose to send them, not as a burden but as another gift with which God was enriching their homes” (Sr Lucia, Calls, pg 40). Teaching the Catholic faith to children was a priority. Sr Lucia writes, “It was on their father’s knees and their mother’s lap that the children learned to pronounce the Holy Name of God…. Thus the light of faith grew so strong in these delicate, pure and innocent souls that it later illuminated their whole lives in all its meanderings.” “The day on which each of their children made his or her First Communion was one of solemn and intimate rejoicing for all the family, for on that day God was once again visiting their home and uniting Himself with one of its members.” (Sr Lucia, Calls, Pg 41) ‘In their homes there was no abundance of the earthly goods….However…there was peace and unity, joy and love… thus everyone was happy.” Everyone fulfilled the precept of keeping holy the Sundays. “In the morning, everyone went to Mass. In the afternoon people relaxed. The young people would meet together and have a good time in our yard… under the watchful eye of their parents.” Pray was an essential part of their way of life. “When the sun went down and the church bells rang, everybody stood up, the men taking off their characteristic cap and holding it in their hands while the Angelus was said.”
Fatima Consecration (Day 2): Guardian Angel Apparition

Fatima Consecration (Day 2): Guardian Angel Apparition

On day 2 of our Fatima Consecration we examine Sr Lucia account of seeing a Guardian Angel. Today we continue our 33 day journey of preparation of Marian consecration to Jesus through Mary. Sr Lucia shares how they saw something unusual. “We saw something like a white cloud in the shape of a human being, which had come down from the sky and was passing slowly in front of us, above the trees that stretched down to the valley at our feet, as if wishing to attract our attention and keep our eyes fixed on it.” She goes on to say these experiences happened serval times in different places, and that it was her interior conviction that what they saw was the Guardian Angel. Her reason for sharing this is not to confirm that it was an Angle, but to tell us that Guardian Angels truly exits. She simply wants to affair the teaching of the Catholic Church and what is true. It is a reminder to us to ask our angels intercession as prepare for our consecration to Mary. Get the suggested reading for todays Consecration Retreat. Why does God first send an angle before Mary starts appearing? Sr. Lucia answers this writing, “to address to us yet another call to obey his law and remember the end for which we were created.” The Catholic Church teaches we have a guardian angel to watch over us. The Catechism of the Catholic Church proclaims that "from infancy to death human life is surrounded by their [angels'] watchful care and intercession. Beside each believer stands an angel as protector and shepherd leading him to life. Already here on earth the Christian life shares by faith in the blessed company of angels and men united in God" (CCC, n. 336). Does our guardian angel every leave us? St. Thomas says angel guardian never forsakes a man entirely, but sometimes he leaves him in some particular, for instance by not preventing him from being subject to some trouble, or even from falling into sin, according to the ordering of Divine judgments. In a letter to one of his spiritual daughters, Parde Pio wrote concerning Guardian Angels, ”How consoling it is to know that we are always under the protection of a heavenly spirit, who never abandons us, not even (most admirable fact!) in the very act by which we displease God," wrote Padre Pio in a letter to one of his spiritual daughters. The main point to remember from today is that we can ask our Guardian Angels intercession in preparation for our Marian Consecration. To join our consecration retreat and get all videos emailed to you, join below:
Marian Consecration (Day 3): What Is The message of Fatima?

Marian Consecration (Day 3): What Is The message of Fatima?

What is the Message of Fatima? Welcome to Fatima Consecration, a 33 day preparation Marian Consecration retreat. We are on day 3 of our journey to Jesus through Mary. If we were to ask Sr Lucia what the main message of Fatima would be What if you asked random people with a devotion to Our Lady of Fatima, what the main message of these apparitions are. What would they say? Some may point to the miracle of the Sun. Others the importance of consecrating Russia to the immaculate heart of Mary. And still others may the children’s vision of hell and saving poor sinners. But if we asked Sr Lucia what the main message of Fatima is, she would respond as she already wrote in her book calls, “Now the entire Message of Fatima is a call to pay attention to this divine Law. For this reason, we will go through it step by step and it will point out for us the way we are to go.” For Sr Lucy, the main message of Fatima is being obedient to the Divine Law of God. And what is this Divine Law? It is what God has revealed to be truth through Scripture, Tradition and the teaching magisterium of the Catholic Church. These three sources point God uses to reveal to us how He wants us to live our lives. Sr Lucia says, “Church is the custodian of the true Law of God and the doctrine taught by Jesus Christ.” So if we want to be obedience to God, we must follow the Church He has given us and speaks through. Receive by email all videos of this Fatima Consecration, which is a 33 day preparation Marian Consecration retreat, join at the below link. Gain access to the readings for day 3 of Fatima Consecration #MarianConsecration #Fatima
Fatima Consecration | Can We Call Mother Mary Our Hope? (Day 5)

Fatima Consecration | Can We Call Mother Mary Our Hope? (Day 5)

Welcome to Fatima Consecration, a 33 day preparation Marian Consecration retreat. We are on day 5 of our journey to Jesus through Mary. Today Sr Lucia challenges us to the call to hope. Can we call Mother Mary our hope? It may sound a bit usually at first because isn't Jesus supposed to be our only hope? And do Catholic's even call Mother Mary our hope? Please consider supporting our work: Join us for the Fatima Consecration: Recall the Salve Regina, is recited at the end of the Rosary and is also used in night prayers. It dates back to around the 11th century and is still sung today as a hymn in various forms, among them a beautiful chant. The words, "Hail Holy Queen, Mother of mercy, Our life, our sweetness, and our hope." How is it that we can call the Mother Mary, "Our Hope"? St. Thomas says two cause of hope, primary and intermediate. Mary is the intermediate cause of our hope because we have confidence Jesus will listen to His mother. What is the gift of hope? The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches, in par 1817-119. “Hope is the theological virtue by which we desire the kingdom of heaven and eternal life as our happiness, placing our trust in Christ's promises and relying not on our own strength, but on the help of the grace of the Holy Spirit. "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful." "The Holy Spirit . . . he poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that we might be justified by his grace and become heirs in hope of eternal life.” The virtue of hope responds to the aspiration to happiness which God has placed in the heart of every man; it takes up the hopes that inspire men's activities and purifies them so as to order them to the Kingdom of heaven; it keeps man from discouragement; it sustains him during times of abandonment; it opens up his heart in expectation of eternal beatitude. Buoyed up by hope, he is preserved from selfishness and led to the happiness that flows from charity. St Anselm said, “It is not that we distrust the divine mercy, but rather that we distrust our own unworthiness, and commend ourselves to Mary the her merits may compensate for our unworthiness.” So can we call Mary our Hope - Yes. St John of Damacus calls Mary, “The hope of the despairing.” St Augustine calls Mary, “The only refuge of sinners.” St Ephrem calls Mary, “The secure haven for the ship wrecked.”
Fatima Marian Consecration Series | Call To Love (Day 6)

Fatima Marian Consecration Series | Call To Love (Day 6)

What is the Message of Fatima? Welcome to the Fatima Marian Consecration Series. We are on day 6 of 33 days on our journey to Jesus through Mary. Marian Consecration retreat Please consider supporting our work: Get all future videos by email: Join the Fatima Marian Consecration Retreat: Sr Lucia writes: There can be no doubt that of all the creatures, Our Lady is one who has been most loved by God. Nevertheless from all eternity, we have all been equally present in the mind of God, and part of His creative design. Moreover, He created all other things for love of each one of us, because we have always been present to Him and loved by Him. We have an eternal debt to pay to God, a debt that can only be repaid because the love of God came first, and continually increases in intensity. Hence, no one and nothing is as deserving as God is of a return of our love. We must therefore look upon the precept God has given us to “love Him”, as yet another proof of his love; it is a sign that He accepts our love, our gratitude, our humble return of love for Love. We are very small before the immensity of God, but we give Him what we have: ‘our love!’ It is a bit like what happens with children who cradle in the arms of the father from whom they receive everything, repay him with a hug and a kiss, symbols of their love. And the father smiles happily and is satisfied, because the child has given him a return of love. St Alphonsus says, “She (Mary) loved God more, in the first moment of her life, than all the saints and angels have loved him in the whole course of theirs.”
Fatima Consecration | Call To Forgiveness (Day 7)

Fatima Consecration | Call To Forgiveness (Day 7)

Mother Mary appeared in Fatima. What was her message? Welcome to Fatima Consecration, a 33 day preparation for Marian Consecration retreat. We are on day 7 of our journey to Jesus through Mary. Sr Lucia writes, “The fifth call of the Message. “I ask Your pardon....”Immediately after the call to charity, the message speaks to us of forgiveness, asking us to ask God’s pardon for our brothers and sisters and also for ourselves; for those who do not believe and for those who do; for those who do not adore and for those who bow down in worship before God; for those who do not hope and for those who have every confidence; for those who do not love and for those who practice charity.” Please consider supporting our work: Get all future videos by email: Join the Fatima Marian Consecration Retreat: To learn more about "how to forgive someone" we created a 7 part series: Sr Lucia continues,”The fact is that we all need to obtain God’s pardon for our lack of faith, which is often so fragile, for our hope which is often so weak, for our charity which is often so cold and insensitive, and for our adoration, which is often so languid. We ask pardon for those who do not believe, for those who do not adore, for those who do not hope and for those who do not love; and very often we ourselves are among this number! For this reason, in what we call the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus Christ taught us to ask: “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us”. (Mt. 6, 12,). As we see we cannot obtain God’s pardon unless we ourselves first forgive our brothers and sisters. It follows that we must not harbour resentment, ill will, dislike, and still less a desire to avenge any offence, whether great or small, that one or other of our neighbours, great or small may have committed against us. Our forgiveness must be generous, complete and self sacrificing, in the sense of over coming ourselves. It will be necessary to silence with in us the cry of revolt, to calm excited nerves, to keep a firm grasp on the reign of our temper and keep a lid on the heat on our wounded self love which, whether rightly or wrongly, feels bruised and irritated. We hope you are blessed by this consecration through Mary series. More to come!

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Fundada en 2012

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